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Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

Registration Listing

Spring 2025 Baseball/Softball

Welcome to registration for the Spring 2025 season for Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball and Softball. 

Regular registration is open with Early Bird Discount and Family Discounts for three or more players available until January 15th.

Registration will close on February 28th. 

We will form teams and you will be contacted by your coach in late March. Our Spring Season will begin in early April with play continuing throughout June. We plan to hold team practices throughout April and will begin our game schedule in May. 

We provide baseball and softball programs beginning at age 3 all the way through age 19. For more information about our programs, please visit the Leagues menu on our home page.

Every week there is one practice or game during the work week and one on Saturdays. Practices/games during the work week start around 6:00.

6U Girls T-Ball Softball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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8U Girls Manager Pitch Softball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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10U Girls FAST Pitch Softball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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12U Girls Fast Pitch Softball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/04/2025 to 06/15/2025

3-4 Year Old Introduction to Tball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/15/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Shetland Tball Baseball (4-5 Year Olds)

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Baseball Transition - 6 Year Old

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Pinto Baseball - 7 and 8 year old

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Mustang Baseball - 9 and 10 year old

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Bronco Baseball - 11 and 12 year old

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Pony Baseball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Colt Baseball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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Palomino Baseball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025
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15U Softball

Registration closes on 02/28/2025 at 11:59 PM
Season Dates: 04/01/2025 to 06/15/2025

Baseball Leagues

Shetland T-Ball

Shetland baseball is a non-competitive, instructional program teach the basic fundamentals of baseball. All batters will hit the ball from a batting tee which is adjusted to a height that allows the batter to swing level.  Two adult coaches are stationed beyond the infielders in order to provide instruction to all defensive players.  Players rotate through different infield and outfield positions throughout the game.  A softer safety ball is used for all practices and games.  This program emphasizes participation over competition--all players are in the game every inning, game scores are not kept and there are no strikeouts.  The primary goals are to begin to instruct young players in the fundamentals of baseball in a safe and supportive team environment and to develop their enjoyment of the game.  Parental involvement is highly encouraged as we introduce the youngsters to the game of baseball.

Transition (Age 6)

The goal and primary focus of this league is to continue teaching and developing ALL players for a successful transition into Pinto (coach pitch). Just like Shetland tee ball, it is not meant to be competitive but will introduce some of the competitive aspects of Pinto such as hitting pitches, outs, runner advancement, and defensive positioning.


Pinto (Manager Pitch, Ages 7-8)

Pinto baseball is largely an instructional league geared toward the continued fostering of interest in the sport. Players will continue to be taught the fundamentals of baseball that they began to learn in Shetland. The catcher position is introduced and the rover position is removed.  The game is played with four outfielders.  Managers will pitch to the players the entire season and games are extended to 6 innings.  As in Shetland, coaches are positioned in the field to provide instruction to fielders.  Safety and enjoyment will be reinforced throughout the season and there is a continued emphasis on creating equal fielding and batting opportunities.

Mustang (Ages 9-10)

Mustang baseball (ages 9-10) will be the first league for our young ballplayers to experience the full game of baseball.  The players will pitch and all baseball rules apply with the exception of taking lead-offs on the base path.  Our philosophy for Mustang baseball will focus on teaching our players the skills and concepts needed to execute the game as a Team.  Sportsmanship and Teamwork are fundamental building blocks for all good ballplayers.  Players will be exposed to all of the defensive positions and will be given a chance to pitch in game situations after learning their pitching mechanics and passing a simple drill in practice with their coach.  Because of the leap from manager-pitch to player-pitch, the pace of play is a little faster and game intensity rises.  We will utilize the American and National league formats; where the intensity of play will be a primary differentiator.  Both leagues will play approximately 15 regular season games with a season ending play-off and championship game.  The Mustang American League will have a mix of pure in-house games (all home games) as well as games against other neighboring associations (home and away games).  The Mustang National League may also play some games against neighboring associations.  Player and parent commitment to working on skills everyday outside of practice is encouraged and expected.

For more information about Mustang Baseball, click on the following link:  What to Expect in Mustang Baseball


Bronco (Ages 11-12)

Bronco baseball expands upon the many baseball fundamentals introduced and learned in Mustang baseball.  The Bronco division introduces players to a longer pitching distance, pitching from the stretch, greater distance between bases, lead-offs, pick-offs and several other nuances that will make the game fun and enjoyable.  Because of the many subtle changes in the game between Mustang and Bronco, the pace of play is a little faster and players are forced to think on their feet more quickly.  We may utilize the American and National league formats; where the intensity of play will be a primary differentiator.  Both leagues will play approximately 15 regular season games with either a season ending play-off and championship game or a mid-season mini-tournament.  Bronco will have a mix of pure in-house games (all home games) as well as games against neighboring associations (home and away games).  Player and parent commitment to working on skills everyday outside of practice is encouraged and expected.

Pony (Ages 13-14)

Pony baseball is the transition league that takes players from the "kid" leagues to "young adult" status. It permits a player to play on a diamond tailored to his size and capability rather than being moved to one with twice the playing area in a single year. Pony baseball is specifically designed for the player in those very formative early-teen years. 

The vast majority of players of league age 13 simply do not belong on a full-size diamond. At the same time, they have outgrown the dimensions of the "kids baseball" diamonds used in Bronco baseball and other "12-and-under" programs.

Pony baseball was founded for this very apparent reason. After becoming skillful players in the younger leagues, players in their early teens found themselves unable to compete, to play the game of baseball as it was intended to be played, on the regulation size diamond. 

With bases set 80 feet apart and pitchers throwing from 54 feet, Pony leaguers play one of the most fascinating games in all of youth baseball. Well beyond the beginners stage, they have mastered all but the finest points of technique and strategy and can play the game with a skill comparable to that of older players, if you let them play it on a field specifically designed to match their physical limitations.


Colt (Ages 15-16)

Colt baseball enables the high school player to fine tune their skills before advancing into open competition. 

Colt leagues introduce the players to the regulation Baseball diamonds and pitching distances. Colt Baseball players are subject to pitching limitations designed to protect their arms. 

Colt baseball is limited to 16 and under (minimum age 13 in Baseball), but players of age 15 through 18 are eligible for Palomino league baseball tournament play if no Colt league is available. Baseball Leagues which combine players 15-18 in a single local league may enter teams in both Colt and Palomino tournament play. 

Colt league baseball is an exciting, top notch sport that provides a fitting showcase for the talent developed in your community.

Palomino (Ages 17-18)

Palomino league baseball enable the high school and beginning college player to fine tune their skills before advancing into open competition. Palomino league baseball is for players 18 and under (minimum age 15).  

Where a sufficient number of Baseball players are available, division of the talent into COLT 16U™ LEAGUES, for players 16 and under (minimum age 13) and 18 and under (minimum age 15) for 18 and under (minimum age 15) provides for more individualized instruction and increases actual playing opportunity for the younger age players.

Designed for the aspiring amateur to hone and display his skills, Palomino league baseball enables these young adults to pit their skills against players from other areas and to display their talents for review by collegiate recruiters and professional scouts. 



Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

P.O. Box 103 
Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

P.O. Box 103 
Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090

Email: [email protected]

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