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Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

Code of Conduct

Brad-Mar-Pine does not condone, nor will it tolerate, physical and/or verbal confrontations between participants, spectators, umpires, managers or any other personnel involved in or attending any baseball or softball practice or game. Any person(s) who engage(s) in such undesirable conduct will be asked to immediately leave the premise and could face an automatic suspension from participating and/or attending any future baseball or softball practice or game sponsored by or affiliated with Brad-Mar-Pine. The decision to suspend any person engaging in such undesirable conduct will be within the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.

BRAD-MAR-PINE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (BMP) BMP Coaches Code of Conduct “Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is.” – Bob Feller

It is the mission of BMP that all baseball and softball players are provided a safe and appropriate environment in which to learn and enhance their knowledge and skills. Our goal is for all players, parents, volunteers, and any others who participate in our association, to enjoy the games of baseball and softball to their fullest, while promoting the essential virtues of the games: integrity, respect, hardwork, dedication, fairness, and adaptability.

Accordingly, BMP has established and will enforce coaching rules and guidelines. All team managers are required to read and sign this form and are responsible for communicating these rules and guidelines to their coaches. Failure to comply with the following rules and guidelines are grounds for review by the Board of Directors and may result in reprimand, probation, or even dismissal from further participation as a manager or coach or in Association activities.

BMP does not condone, nor will it tolerate, physical and/or verbal confrontations between participants, spectators, umpires, managers or any other personnel involved in or attending any baseball or softball practice or game. Any person(s) who engage(s) in such undesirable conduct will be asked to immediately leave the premise and could face an automatic suspension from participating and/or attending any future baseball or softball practice or game sponsored by or affiliated with BMP. The decision to suspend any person engaging in such undesirable conduct will be within the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.

Coach Conduct
1) The coach understands that he or she has a tremendous influence, for either good or ill, on each of his or her players and, thus, shall never place the value of winning above the value of instilling the highest ideals of character.
2) The coach shall strive to set an example of the highest ethical and moral conduct.
3) The coach will refrain from openly demonstrating negative mannerisms and disappointment with players when they make mistakes (i.e. frustration with errors, etc.).
4) The coach shall make playing time and position decisions based on demonstrated ability in practice and games, attendance of the full practices, and demonstrating a positive attitude on the field during practice and games. Coaches’ children shall not be given playing time or positions that are not earned in this way.
5) The coach should respect the feelings of his players. He or she should provide constructive criticism while working directly with a player, not in front other players or parents. Conversations with more than one player should cover general team feedback.
6) The coach shall refrain from expressing views with the children on subjects including but not limited to race, religion, or political issues.
7) Assistant coaches shall abide by the decisions of Team Manager. Team Managers shall abide by the decisions of the League Director.
8) Any issues that remain unresolved at the individual level between managers and coaches or managers/coaches and parents should be referred to the appropriate League Director and escalated if necessary to the Board of Directors.

On The Field Player Safety
1) Nothing should be more important to the coach than the safety of all participants.
2) The coach should assure that all players are adequately hydrated, especially in extreme heat and humidity.
3) The coach should keep their cell phone readily available at all times for any necessary 911 calls.
4) In the case of unsafe inclement weather, the coach should notify the umpire of such conditions. If the umpire insists on playing in unsafe inclement weather the coach should pull their team off the field.

Off The Field Player Safety
1) All coaches and trainers must submit a background check to the Association.
2) No practice or other team function may be conducted unless there are two adults present at all times (the second adult can be a parent) and at least one of the two adults has passed a background check. Do not put yourself in a position where even an allegation of improper conduct can be made.
3) If a coach becomes aware of any criminal activity, particularly criminal activity of a sexual nature, the coach should report the incident immediately to the local police and, unless requested otherwise by the local police, to the Board of the Association.
4) At least two coaches must stay at the location of any practice or game until the last player has been picked up. It is prohibited for any manager or coach to be left alone with any player other than their own children unless that coach has the permission of the parent of any player that is not their own child. Such permission may be given in advance.

General Rules The Following are Prohibited:
1) Physical or verbal abuse of an athlete. Common coaching punishments such as running a few extra laps, doing pushups, etc. are not considered physical abuse. Coaches are urged to use common sense in use of these tactics.

2) Physical or verbal abuse or fighting with a parent or umpire. 3) The use of profanity at any Association practice, scrimmage, or game.
4) Tobacco products of any kind, alcohol, or illicit drugs are not permitted in the dugout or on the field before or during practices or games.
5) Theft or intentional damage of BMP equipment or property.
6) The misappropriation of BMP funds. 


Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

P.O. Box 103 
Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090

Email: [email protected]

Contact Us

Brad-Mar-Pine Baseball & Softball

P.O. Box 103 
Wexford, Pennsylvania 15090

Email: [email protected]

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